History & Policy

Company History

A word from the Director: Mechatronic Innovations at its core remains primarily a family run company, the Vaughan family have an extensive military history dating back through over a thousand years of conquests. In the last century, during World War II, my Great Grandfather was a cannon-borer which was a extremely highly skilled and well sought after profession crucial to the War effort. 
My other Great Grandfather was a member of the original 1st SAS "L Detachment" in North Africa and following the doctrine of the Long Range Desert Group carried daring raids deep behind enemy lines striking high value targets of opportunity. He continued on among the first of the airborne paratroopers and was shot seven times by a machine gun during a near-suicidal drop towards the end of the war, he was left for dead yet miraculously survived only to become a paraplegic POW, after returning to England and decades of painstaking physiotherapy through sheer willpower he slowly relearned how to walk again. 
My Grandfather worked on the Polaris ICBM capable Resolution class submarines, providing the ultimate system of both force projection and protection through MAD, truly granting the United Kingdom the title of a world nuclear power. My father was an experimental trials pilot who later served and was injured in Afghanistan, then gained experience working with unmanned systems before becoming a subject matter expert on aviation technology. 
Clearly, following the experiences of generations of elite warfare and technical development, this company has a lot to live up to. Perhaps there is a way to combine the lessons from the LRDG raids with modern experimental unmanned technology, maybe a long-range, fast, "Modular armed and armoured unmanned ground vehicle for rapid reaction force protection and projection." 

Corporate Policy and Responsibility

  • In keeping with the already strained UK defence budget and further possible economic uncertainty in future, we aim to offer the very best value for every pound spent with us, despite other companies viewing the defence industry as an opportunity to extract as much taxpayer funding as possible (like the £1.2 billion spent on the Watchkeeper UAV for just 146 operational hours), we believe the defence of Great Britain should come before the stock exchange. 
  • We aim to reinvest up to 100% of our profits back into the company (and the British economy) in order to guarantee the sustainability of future development operations. 
  • In terms promoting of Equality and Diversity, we are proud to be a British company, we also aim to ensure that at least one third of our employees are either ethnic minorities or have a disability, as we believe diversity of thought and experience helps to drive innovation. 

Proposing a Collaborative Partnership

  • Although our company prioritises economic responsibility to the British taxpayer, we understand that other companies have different ways of doing things and other priorities, we therefore do not expect to hold another associated or partnered organisation to our unusually high standards.                                        
  • If you represent another defence organisation be it large or SME, public or private, we would love to hear from you regarding collaborations in future projects. Additionally, for security considerations partnered companies would be preferably based in Britain or must at least belong to friendly NATO countries.            
  • We are currently particularly interested in any larger defence organisation which operates around Bristol, with experience in either: unmanned/robotic systems, composite armour nano-chemistry, tracked vehicle mechanical engineering, or cruise missile technology. 
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